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Cloud tests from the CLI

The Test Builder can help you learn k6 or build proofs of concept. For ongoing use, however, most testers prefer to run cloud tests from the command line.

Some reasons you might prefer to run tests from the CLI:

  • To store tests in version control
  • To modularize scripts for collaboration and easier maintenance.
  • To work in the local environment.
  • To test intranet services and stream the results to the Cloud.
  • To integrate testing in CI/CD pipelines.

On this page, read about how to:

  • Use the k6 cloud command to run tests on k6 Cloud infrastructure
  • Use k6 run --out to run the test locally and stream results to k6 Cloud (perfect for testing local environments)
  • Differences between local and cloud execution

Before you start

To run tests on k6 Cloud, you to need to:

  • Have a k6 Cloud account.
  • Install k6 on your local machine:

Run test on the CLI

With the k6 cloud command, you can run tests on Cloud servers, with scripts on your local machine.

  1. Authenticate to k6 Cloud from the CLI. To log in, either use your username and password or your API token.

    Log in with username and password
    Log in with the API Token
    $ k6 login cloud

    k6 login stores your API Token in a local config file to authenticate to k6 Cloud when running cloud commands. Unless running tests on multiple cloud accounts, you need to run k6 login only once.

  2. Run your test in the cloud. (k6 cloud automatically uploads your script and any dependencies to our cloud).

    CLI with the API Token
    $ k6 cloud script.js

    k6 will print some information and the URL of your test results.

    /\ |‾‾| /‾‾/ /‾/
    /\ / \ | |_/ / / /
    / \/ \ | | / ‾‾\
    / \ | |\ \ | (_) |
    / __________ \ |__| \__\ \___/ .io
    execution: cloud
    script: test.js
  3. Navigate to the URL to check your test results. When the test is running, the test-result page is shown.

    Learn more about test results at Analyzing Results.

Run locally and stream to the cloud

At times, you might want to run a test locally, but see the results on k6 Cloud. For example, you may want to test a local environment that is not connected to the wider internet.

To do, this you can use k6 run --out cloud. For detailed instructions, refer to the real-time results output docs.

k6 charges your subscription for cloud streaming

Data storage and processing are primary cloud costs, so k6 run --out cloud will consume VUh or test runs from your subscription.

Change test project

By default, k6 creates, runs, and stores tests and test runs in the default project to your default organization.

To create and run tests under a different project, set the Project ID in your script options.

  1. Select the project on the sidebar menu.
  2. Find the Project ID in the header of the Project Dashboard page.

You can pass the Project ID to k6 in two ways:

  • Specify it in the script options:

    1export const options = {
    2 ext: {
    3 loadimpact: {
    4 projectID: 123456,
    5 },
    6 },
  • Set the K6_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID environment variable when running your test.

Run tests on multiple cloud accounts

If you have multiple cloud subscriptions, use your API token to change between subscriptions. One way to do this is with environment variables:

K6_CLOUD_TOKEN k6 cloud script.js

Another way is to toggle between config files with the --config flag.

k6 cloud --config nondefault/location/config.json script.js

For syntax examples and the default config locations, refer to the --config option reference.

Differences in local and cloud execution

While the cloud and local execution modes are almost completely compatible, the two modes have a few particularities.

Cloud logs print to terminal

When a cloud tests runs from the CLI, cloud log outputs to the terminal. To disable cloud logs, you can:

  • Pass --show-logs=false as an option to k6
  • Set an environment variable K6_SHOW_CLOUD_LOGS=false.

setup() and teardown() might run from different servers

With one exception, setup and teardown lifecycle functions run as normal when running cloud tests.

Depending on the test size, the test might run from one or more cloud servers. Setup and teardown execute only once, and each will execute from only one server. However, the cloud server that runs setup() might differ from the one that runs teardown().

Local system variables are unavailable

With cloud execution, you must use the CLI flags (-e/--env) to set environment variables like -e KEY=VALUE or --env KEY=VALUE. For details, refer to the environment variables document.

If you set environment variables in the local terminal before you run your k6 script, k6 does not forwarded these variables to k6 Cloud service. Thus they won't be available to your script when executing in the cloud.