When you look at k6 tests from the side of your server, it's often helpful to know which IPs are associated with k6 Cloud tests.
IP addresses used by k6 Cloud
k6 Cloud uses AWS for load generators. Generally, in the k6 Cloud app, and our documentation, we will refer to geographically distributed load generators as load zones. For the IP addresses used in the different load zones and filtering methods, refer directly to Amazon.
If you prefer to view the ranges directly, this ip-ranges.json file provides the updated list of IP addresses used by our load generators. To find the IP ranges that you can use, filter the service of type EC2 and the region of the selected load zones in your test configuration.
The zone codes are mapped as follows:
- af-south-1: Cape Town
- ap-east-1: Hong Kong
- ap-northeast-1: Tokyo
- ap-northeast-2: Seoul
- ap-northeast-3: Osaka
- ap-southeast-1: Singapore
- ap-southeast-2: Sydney
- ap-south-1: Mumbai
- ca-central-1: Montreal
- eu-north-1: Stockholm
- eu-central-1: Frankfurt
- eu-south-1: Milan
- eu-west-1: Dublin
- eu-west-2: London
- eu-west-3: Paris
- me-south-1: Bahrain
- us-east1: Ashburn
- us-east-2: Columbus
- us-west-1: Palo Alto
- us-west-2: Portland
- sa-east-1: São Paulo
Maximum VUs per IP
These are defaults
If your tests have specific requirements, contact k6 support for a custom solution.
k6 has 3 tiers of hardware for load generation. The tier k6 chooses depends on the number of VUs allocated to a load zone.
First step is to determine the number of VUs per load zone.
- Tier 1 when the load zone has 1-999 VUs
- Tier 2 when the load zone has 1000-4001 VUs
- Tier 3 when the load zone has 4001-5000 VUs
Second step is to determine the number of VUs per instance.
- Tier 1 instances can host up to 300 VUs
- Tier 2 instances can host up to 1200 VUs
- Tier 3 instances can host up to 5000 VUs
Regardless of the tier, the amount of resources (CPU, Memory, Network) per VU is the same.
For example, if you start a test with 400VUs, k6 uses 2 Tier 1 servers, with each of them hosting 200 VUs. This means that the traffic generated from our service comes from 2 IPs.
If you start a test with 1000VUs in a single load zone, k6 uses 1x Tier 2 server. If the same test is started in 2 load zones, k6 would allocate 500 VUs per load zone and use 4x Tier 1 servers.
Buy static IPs
If you don't want to run your tests from these default IP ranges, you can also purchase static IPs. A static IP doesn't change. After you purchase a static IP, only your organization can access it.
Reasons to run your tests from a static IP include security and convenience. With static IPs, you can:
- Reduce the number of IPs that you must open your firewall to.
- Avoid exposing your service to any IP besides the ones specially dedicated to be your load generators.
Refer to the Pricing page to check the price per dedicated IP per month. If you're interested in using static IPs with your cloud tests, contact k6 customer support!