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⚠️ This documentation is outdated. Please visit for the latest k6 documentation.📚

Grafana App


k6 Cloud Grafana plugin

The k6 Cloud Grafana App plugin is deprecated. We stopped the plugin development in favor of Grafana Cloud k6.

Grafana Cloud k6

Grafana Cloud k6 is a native solution provided as part of Grafana Cloud.

Grafana Cloud k6 aims to support most of the k6 Cloud features while leveraging the capabilities of the Grafana Visualization and Observability platform.

Can I access my k6 Cloud tests in Grafana Cloud k6?

At this moment, k6 Cloud users cannot access their cloud tests within Grafana Cloud k6. k6 Cloud users should continue using k6 Cloud as usual.

Can I try Grafana Cloud k6?

Yes, Grafana Cloud offers a Free Forever plan. If you are a k6 user evaluating the cloud service, open a Grafana Cloud account to try Grafana Cloud k6.

For any questions, contact us.