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Usage Reports

The Usage report helps you keep track of everything happening in your team’s project and follow the activity of your performance testing projects.

⭐️ Usage reports are available on annual Pro and Enterprise plans.

To view the Usage report, go to Manage > Usage reports section.

Usage report breakdown

The Usage report has statistics for organization and project statistics.

Section highlighted in green
The filtering section, where you narrow down the result by fields, projects, contributors, and time interval.
Section highlighted in blue
Overview statistics for your organization.
Section highlighted in yellow
Statistics for each individual project.

Full UI

ProjectThe project that the stats are collected from.
Total test runsTotal count of test runs started.
Test fail rateThe rate of failed tests in the project.
What is a failed test?
Total test runs durationCumulative sum of time spent running tests.
Most recent test runLink to the most recent test run in the project.
ContributorsAll members that have started tests in the project

Tests that count as failed

Tests that meet any of the following criteria contribute to the Test fail rate:

  • The test was aborted by any of the following statuses: Aborted system, Aborted limit, Aborted user, Aborted threshold or Aborted script error
  • The test ran to completion but had failed thresholds (specified by the user).
  • The test timed out.