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Generating UUIDs

If you want to make a version 4 UUID, you can use the uuidv4 function from the k6 JS lib repository.

import { uuidv4 } from '';
export default function () {
const randomUUID = uuidv4();
console.log(randomUUID); // 35acae14-f7cb-468a-9866-1fc45713149a

If you really need other UUID versions, you must rely on an external library.

Generate v1 UUIDs

As k6 doesn't have built-in support for version 1 UUID, you'll have to use a third-party library.

This example uses a Node.js library called uuid and Browserify (to make it work in k6). For this to work, we first need to go through a few required steps:

  1. Make sure you have the necessary prerequisites installed: Node.js and Browserify

  2. Install the uuid library:

    $ npm install uuid@3.4.0
  3. Run it through browserify:

    $ browserify node_modules/uuid/index.js -s uuid > uuid.js
  4. Move the uuid.js file to the same folder as your script file. Now you can import it into your test script:

    import uuid from './uuid.js';

This example generates a v1 UUID:

import uuid from './uuid.js';
export default function () {
// Generate a UUID v1
const uuid1 = uuid.v1();