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Client.sendCommand(command, args)

In the event a Redis command you wish to use is not implemented yet, the sendCommand method can be used to send a custom commands to the server.


commandstringcommand name to issue to the Redis server, as described in Redis' documentation.
argsa variadic array of strings, numbers, or booleanscommand arguments to pass to the Redis server.


TypeResolves withRejected when
Promise<any>On success, the promise resolves with string, number, or boolean result the server would reply to the command sent.


import redis from 'k6/experimental/redis';
// Get the redis instance(s) address and password from the environment
const redis_addrs = __ENV.REDIS_ADDRS || '';
const redis_password = __ENV.REDIS_PASSWORD || '';
// Instantiate a new redis client
const redisClient = new redis.Client({
addrs: redis_addrs.split(',') || new Array('localhost:6379'), // in the form of 'host:port', separated by commas
password: redis_password,
export default async function () {
const result = await redisClient.sendCommand('ECHO', 'Hello world');
if (result !== 'Hello world') {
throw new Error('ECHO should have returned "Hello world"');