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b64encode( input, [encoding] )

inputstring / ArrayBufferThe input string or ArrayBuffer object to base64 encode.
encoding (optional)stringThe base64 encoding to use.
Available options are:
- "std": the standard encoding with = padding chars and + and / characters in encoding alphabet. This is the default.
- "rawstd": like std but without = padding characters.
- "url": URL safe version of std, encoding alphabet doesn't contain + and / characters, but rather - and _ characters.
- "rawurl": like url but without = padding characters.


stringThe base64 encoding of the input data.


import { check } from 'k6';
import encoding from 'k6/encoding';
export default function () {
const str = 'hello world';
const enc = 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=';
const buf = new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]).buffer;
check(null, {
'is encoding string correct': () => encoding.b64encode(str) === enc,
'is encoding ArrayBuffer correct': () => encoding.b64encode(buf) === enc,