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Get the key's value.


keystringthe name of the key to get


TypeResolves withRejected when
Promise<string>On success, the promise resolves with the value of the key.If the key does not exist, the promise is rejected with an error.


import redis from 'k6/experimental/redis';
// Get the redis instance(s) address and password from the environment
const redis_addrs = __ENV.REDIS_ADDRS || '';
const redis_password = __ENV.REDIS_PASSWORD || '';
// Instantiate a new redis client
const redisClient = new redis.Client({
addrs: redis_addrs.split(',') || new Array('localhost:6379'), // in the form of 'host:port', separated by commas
password: redis_password,
export default async function () {
await redisClient.set('mykey', 'myvalue', 0)
const exists = await redisClient.exists('mykey');
if (exists === false) {
throw new Error('mykey should exist');
const value = await redisClient.get('mykey');
console.log(`set key 'mykey' to value: ${value}`);
await redisClient.del('mykey');