Can you believe that the holiday season is almost upon us? High time for an update from your trusted load testing provider!
✨ New: browser automation
Launched just last week, with xk6-browser you can interact with the browser to test your web apps end-to-end. This allows you to collect frontend metrics while accessing all of k6's core features in your scripts, like you're used to.
Check out the documentation - the new browser-level APIs aim for rough compatibility with Playwright.
🙌 v0.35.0 released
k6 v0.35.0 is here! New features include the ability to set VU-wide custom metric tags, initial support for JavaScript promises, and support for gRPC server reflection. To the release notes!
💪 3 New output extensions
Prometheus is now supported in k6 OSS with xk6-output-remote-write. Beyond Prometheus, any compatible remote-write solution can be used with this extension.
Sending metrics to TimescaleDB in a predefined schema is now officially supported through the xk6-output-timescaledb extension.
And finally, xk6-output-influxdb adds support for InfluxDB v2.
☁️ Cloud
We’ve added release notes for k6 Cloud to our documentation. Most notable changes include the ability to search logs, export the entire test result data in CSV, and the ability to download a script when it's too large to preview.
🙈 Grafana ObservabilityCON
ObservabilityCON featured 20 talks, with 12 of those featuring external speakers from 14 companies, and could count on 12.000 registrations. The mothership made lots of exciting product announcements including Grafana OnCall, Grafana Enterprise Traces, and the Microsoft partnership announcement.
All ObservabilityCON sessions are now available for your on-demand viewing pleasure.
💜 Hacktoberfest 2021
For the annual celebration of open source that is Hacktoberfest, this year we sent out swag packages to people contributing to either k6 or the Docs. We received 32 PRs, by 24 external contributors, and most of those got merged into the projects.
Feedback from one of the Hacktoberfest participants:
As a first time open source contributor, it was an amazing experience - something that'll possibly influence the rest of my career.
🤝 We're #hiring
A quick look at our blog tells you we've added a few new faces to the team recently. And we’re still looking for new colleagues! We're hiring for roles like Product Marketing Manager, and Frontend Engineers:
🗞️ Must-reads:
- Testing gRPC services - request collections and modern load testing #microservices #benchmarking
- Finding .NET Memory Leaks through Soak Testing k6 blog #garbagecollection #Csharp
- Integrating k6 with Xray XRAY docs
- Power of k6: observability of databases Medium #extensions
- Making Our Backend Resilient. Using Flask-Caching and k6 Medium
- Load Testing. k6 + TypeScript + Azure DevOps
📺 Must watch:
- Daniel Knittl-Frank talks about load testing critical apps with k6, at the Tech Talks
- k6 joined Microsoft's On .NET Live show to talk about performance testing
- Nicole van der Hoeven helps you write realistic tests, and plan their execution
- Yusuf Tayman tried out GitHub Copilot to write k6 tests
- Watch our Office Hours on-demand
Happy testing!
- The k6 team.