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Client.lrange(key, start, stop)

Returns the specified elements of the list stored at key. The offsets start and stop are zero-based indexes. These offsets can be negative numbers, where they indicate offsets starting at the end of the list.


keystringkey holding the list to get the range of.
startnumberindex of the first element to return.
stopnumberindex of the last element to return.


TypeResolves withRejected when
Promise<string[]>On success, the promise resolves with the list of elements in the specified range.


import redis from 'k6/experimental/redis';
// Get the redis instance(s) address and password from the environment
const redis_addrs = __ENV.REDIS_ADDRS || '';
const redis_password = __ENV.REDIS_PASSWORD || '';
// Instantiate a new redis client
const redisClient = new redis.Client({
addrs: redis_addrs.split(',') || new Array('localhost:6379'), // in the form of 'host:port', separated by commas
password: redis_password,
export default async function () {
await redisClient.rpush('mylist', 'first');
await redisClient.rpush('mylist', 'second');
await redisClient.rpush('mylist', 'third');
const item = redisClient.lindex('mylist', 0);
if (item !== 'first') {
throw new Error('lindex operation should have returned first');
await redisClient.lrange('mylist', 1, 2);